Author Archive: Preetinder

How Many Types Of Bacteria Are There?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms found in all environmental conditions. They are classified based on their shapes, sizes, cell structure, cell components, and metabolism. Scientifically, bacteria are classified into various phyla. Phyla are the scientific classifications of organisms. Classification based on shapes Before the DNA techniques were used for classification, the bacteria were classified on their…

How many species of animals are there?

The answer to this question is quite difficult. However, the number varies within 1,250,000, which are identified. Of these, 1,190,200 constitute the invertebrates, while the rest 58,800 forms the vertebrates. There are approximately about 5416 mammalian species, 5743 amphibians, 8240 reptiles, 9800 avian species, and 29,300 species of fishes under the vertebrates. The invertebrates are…

How many proteins exist?

Proteins are the basic building blocks of our bodies. It is estimated that the human body comprises of approximately two million proteins, which are coded by only 20,000 to 25,000 genes. There are groups of 20 amino acids that form the molecular chains of protein. However, the number of proteins found in a biological organism…