Author Archive: Preetinder
September 24, 2011
In the earlier days, it was common practice to send a bio data to a prospective employer and since there was a dearth of talent combined with experience in a particular area, it became necessary for the employer to suit the candidate closest to his requirement and train him. With time, specialization in core areas…
September 24, 2011
The Windows software of the MS Windows fame allows you to take screen shot of any software window or screen etc and save it as an image. You need to follow in the given steps to be able to execute the task of taking a screen shot. For a full screen shot or a full…
September 24, 2011
Our universe is a vast open space comprising of the stars, star systems and the galaxies. It has been a subject of discussion amongst many astronomers, cosmologists and scientists. They have tried to estimate the exact age of the universe and the way it came in to existence. As no one was physically present at…
September 24, 2011
Moving out of and into heated areas often can give you a dry scalp. Small flaky skin starts falling off the scalp when you brush or comb your hair. Due to the dryness, the skin of the scalp gets tight and starts itching. Often people identify this flaky skin as dandruff and get treatment for…
September 24, 2011
The beautiful big white moon that we see on its full moon days looks very beautiful from such a vast distance. It triggers many questions in our mind. How was the moon formed? Is it made up of the same material as our earth is? What went in to its evolution? With all these questions…