Author Archive: Preetinder

How old are the oldest rocks on earth?

The oldest rocks found on earth until 2008 are known to be 4.03 billion years old. These rocks were found in Canada’s Northwest Territories called Acasta Gneiss. Originally, this rock was found as a part of an old mountain chain. Its core was exposed due to glacial activities over billions of years. This oldest rock…

How much should I weigh?

To determine the ideal body weight of a person, Body Mass Index (Units – weight(kg)/height2(m2)) is considered as the measuring tool to calculate whether the person is moderate, over or under weight. BMI is the tool to measure the fats of a body in relation to the height, weight and sex of an adult. It…

How to cut glass?

Cutting glass can be an easier task if you are taking a small piece of glass. However, if the shape in which you wish to cut the glass is a bit complicated, then you will require heavy machinery and equipments. Things required to cut glass Glass cutter, goggles, glass cutting mat, pencil, tape and the…