Animal Life

How many types of insects are there?

An insect can be identified with six or eight legs and three sections of the body- head, thorax and abdomen. There are innumerable types of insect existing in this world. However, entomologists have divided them into 30 scientific groups. The groups are further classified into six broad categories. First category is of flies, which consists…

How many species of animals are there?

The answer to this question is quite difficult. However, the number varies within 1,250,000, which are identified. Of these, 1,190,200 constitute the invertebrates, while the rest 58,800 forms the vertebrates. There are approximately about 5416 mammalian species, 5743 amphibians, 8240 reptiles, 9800 avian species, and 29,300 species of fishes under the vertebrates. The invertebrates are…

How to get rid of Wasps?

Wasps are a big nuisance to a peaceful life. They are basically of two types namely, social and solitary wasps. Either of them can be dangerous when stung by them. The social wasps choose homes and build nests to live while the solitary wasps lay eggs near their prey and do not rely on building…

How to Get Rid of Roundworms?

Roundworms are a nuisance to both mankind and animals. It’s a disease fatal to your pets. Getting rid of them should be your prime concern. It is important to take measures to get rid of roundworm. For getting rid of roundworms you must de-worm your pets, be it cats or dogs before you start breeding…