
How much should I weigh?

To determine the ideal body weight of a person, Body Mass Index (Units – weight(kg)/height2(m2)) is considered as the measuring tool to calculate whether the person is moderate, over or under weight. BMI is the tool to measure the fats of a body in relation to the height, weight and sex of an adult. It…

How to Lose Weight with Dieting?

Weight loss is the latest fad these days, what with your favorite celebrities flaunting their perfect bodies on screen as well as off it in photo shoots and beach trips. Not only does it make you look great, losing weight and staying in shape is a great fitness plan. It keeps the body healthy, and…

How to Lose Belly Fat?

Belly fat is one of the most common problems associated with modern lifestyle. Fast food diets, lesser physical activity and lack of exercise routines, amidst other factors, are increasingly causing people to acquire paunches because of fat depositions under the stomach. Bellies not only harm an individual’s personality, but they also pose several health risks….

How to Get Rid of Water Retention?

If dieting, exercising and maintaining a good fitness regime isn’t helping you lose weight and your body too seems to look bloated it is definitely a water retention problem. This is a problem that prevents body looking slim. It makes a person feel swelled up; hands and feet especially look swollen and bloated. If this…

How to Get Rid of Saddlebags?

Saddlebags are a big obstruction in achieving an appealing body structure. They are fat deposits on the side of upper thighs. If you get rid of saddlebags half of the work is done already. For ditching those ugly saddlebags certain habits must be adopted. Eating healthy food tops the list. Fiber rich foods such as…