
How to Stop Nausea?

Nausea is a feeling of dizziness coupled with vomiting sensation. It can happen due to many reasons. Travelling, certain medicines, pregnancy, indigestion, certain illness might also initiate nausea. This leads to a very uncomfortable feeling and overcoming it becomes difficult. Few remedial measures to get rid of nausea are chewing gums, mouth fresheners, mints, drinking…

How to Stay Mentally Sharp?

We often talk about weight reduction, keeping the body fit and exercising in order to have a great body, but how often do we think about our mind? Brain is the most important part of our body. All other organs are controlled by it. We must aim to keep our mind healthy and sharp; its…

How to Reduce Your Appetite?

Having a large appetite is a sure sign that you are on the path of putting on a good amount of weight in the near future. One must have food in limited quantities. This does not mean that you stay hungry, but making over-eating a habit is not good for the health. To get rid…