
How to Write A Resume?

In the earlier days, it was common practice to send a bio data to a prospective employer and since there was a dearth of talent combined with experience in a particular area, it became necessary for the employer to suit the candidate closest to his requirement and train him. With time, specialization in core areas…

How to Remove Garlic Smell?

Garlic is a very healthy ingredient of food. Consuming it brings in a whole package of health advantages along with it. The taste of garlic adds to the flavor of the food. The only problem with the garlic is its smell. Diallyl is a component present in garlic responsible for its strong smell and allicin…

How to Make a Pinhole Camera?

Gone are the days when epic scenes were described by poets and writers with their passionate words. Now if there’s something worth remembering, then all you have to do is take out the tiny camera phone in your pocket and click a picture of the scene in front of you. Imaging technology has grown by…