
How is magnet strength measured?

A magnet is an object which creates a magnetic field around it. The characteristics of the magnet determine the weak to the strong fields of the same around it. Magnets can be categorized into two parts which are as follows: • Permanent magnets: They are magnetized and would remain magnetized for the lifetime. • Electro…

How is Electricity Produced?

The principle used to generate electricity came into existence during the late 1820 and the early years of 1830. The principle was discovered by Michael Faraday. The basic method that he invented is still used today. His principle stated that electricity is generated when there is a movement of a loop wire or copper disc…

How is Electrical Resistance Measured?

Electrical resistance is the resistance to the flow of electrical current. This theory was discovered by George Ohm in the 19th century. Resistance is measured in ohms. Electricity is nothing but electrons flowing. In an electrical current, the atoms in the material allow the flow of electrons. If there is poor conductivity it means that…