How does plastic degenerate?

There is a general belief that plastic doesn’t degenerate. However, there are no actual studies to prove this because certain plastic products like plastic bags may actually take 500 years, or even more, to degenerate. Some studies reveal that if left in open air, they may decompose in about two decades.

What is degeneration?
Bio-degradation is also known as the process of decomposition. It means that tiny organisms consume the food product and digest it. This is the natural process of digesting food items or getting rid of them. But plastic is not biodegradable as polyethylene is not a food source for these organisms.

PlasticGlobal environmental issues
It is vital to degenerate plastic as the millions of these items are discarded across the globe, everyday. The next factor is that their late degeneration means more clogging and cluttering. It causes environmental hazards and is poison for all animal species.

Process through which plastic can be degenerated

Photo-degeneration: Plastic degeneration is possible through photo-degeneration. Plastic used in bags and other items can be decomposed by exposure to strong sunlight. However, if buried in landfills it cannot decompose or degenerate.

Ultraviolet radiation: The process of ultraviolet radiation is used to break down plastic in landfill. But the process of degeneration again requires some other method.

Degeneration through trees: A study conducted in India revealed that mangrove trees helped in degenerating plastic and polyurethane in the soil. The microbe in that soil had the potential to break items. But this study still needs to be developed further.

Further speculations
With the help of new technology and research it may be possible to degenerate plastic faster. A century old plastic named Bakelite is known as the first plastic ever manufactured. However, the plastic has not broken down or degenerated over the decades. Other plastics are showing more hopeful degenerative results though.

1 Comment

  1. mellor eric

    This is much to important to be such a silent subject..Its possible to make real progress , and have a positive effect for future generations. Better Late than never…

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