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What are optical illusions?

If you think that your eyes can never cheat you then think again because optical illusions are made to cheat your eyes. We all believe in seeing is believing philosophy but optical illusions also known as visual illusion is a phenomenon where the visual image is very different from the actual image. An optical illusion…

Who invented the television?

There are many differences of opinions which crop up while deciding who invented the television. This is so because there are a number of inventions and discoveries which led to the development of the television. Early Origins The pioneering works of Michael Faraday, Joseph Henry, the invention of pantelegraph in 1862 by Abbe Giovanna Caselli…

Who invented the internet?

Life without the internet cannot be imagined today but few among us know who invented it. The fact that the World Wide Web and the internet are different also leads to a lot of confusion and controversy. Origins The internet which basically means a network of computers was first discussed by Leonard Kleinrock in 1961….

How to Speed up Windows XP?

Ignorance and lack of maintenance can affect the performance of Windows XP operating system. As you maintain the hardware, similarly maintaining software and system is also important, lack of which slows down the system and can cause big time troubles too like crashing or slower performance. There are many ways you can undertake to speed…