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What are parallel universes?

There are many topics in the world that are still considered as the most debated because we do not have much information about it or probably the research is going on. Parallel universe is one such topic that always creates a kind of debate among many scientists and researchers across the world because not much…

What are panic attacks?

We do know that we can control different movements and actions of our body but there are certain things that are beyond our control at least for a matter of seconds. Panic attacks are attacks when the mind is gripped by an immediate fear or discomfort, and it can lead to a heart attack or…

What are oncogenes?

Our body is made up of million cells, and each cell has its own function and properties. Oncogene is a kind of gene that can convert a normal cell into a tumor or malignant inside our body. Hence, these kinds of genes are very harmful to human health and usually found in human cancer. Oncogenes…

What are oil sands?

Oil sands are a kind of mixture that contains various sand particles along with a liquid called bitumen. Oil sands are comparatively darker in color and are usually found petroleum and coal sites. Oil sands are found all over the world, but they are more common in countries like Canada and Venezuela. This sand contains…

What are nucleotides?

We all known how important our DNA and RNA are to us. Nucleotides are the molecules that form an important part of our DNA system. Nucleotides are a different type of molecules that trigger different enzymes inside our body so that there are different chemical reactions inside our body that will keep us alive and…