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How does the nose detect smell?

Smell is a very important function of the human body. Essentially each thing which has a good odor or a bad one gives off certain molecules which come to one’s nose. Usually these molecules are very light and they evaporate easily in to one’s nose. It is through the sense of smell that one can…

How does the heart work?

The heart is a vital organ. It is essentially a muscle which helps in distribution and circulation of blood to the entire body. It consists of arteries, veins, and capillaries which are the vessels which distribute the blood all over the body. The heart is divided into four parts. The two which are placed on…

How does the ear work?

The ear is a wonderful organ which helps human beings to hear. The ear essentially can be divided in three parts namely the inner ear, middle ear and the outer ear. The slightest sound or vibration is trapped by the ear which then processes it and sends it to the brain. The outer ear This…