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How hand-powered generators work?

Electricity has been a boon and without it, we cannot even think of surviving but there might be development of such situations, where there is a complete absence of electricity or there might be locations without the accessibility to such energy. So, what do you do in such situations? Will the batteries last long enough…

How does the brain work?

All living beings have a brain whether it is birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and all other animals which one can think of. However, the human brain is the most unique. It has the capability to perform multiple functions and gives human beings the power to think, act, speak, plan and imagine! Moreover, it performs…

How does technology affect society?

In this era of technology, everything is changing so rapidly and its effects can be felt widely across the board. Technology is a very wide phenomenon and technological advancements in various fields affect the life of each one of us. Various fields of technology would include information technology (computers and internet), automobiles, communication, electronics, space…