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How does sunscreen work?

Sunscreen has a double advantage as it serves as protection from sun burns and aging of the skin. There are several chemicals in sunscreen that help in collection of the sun rays and scattering the same. This eventually leads to alteration of the length of the rays hence preventing any serious damage to the skin….

What are AC motors?

Motors have played a very important role in our life because they are present in almost every gadget that we use in our daily life. AC motors or Alternating Current motors are those motors that run on alternating current. However, there are different AC motors that can be further divided as per the kind of…

How does stress affect the brain?

Stress, tension or strain is something that one experiences in daily life due to work or personal problem. It is a medical condition that results in various chemical responses in the brain. Under normal circumstances stress is usually a temporary condition that one experiences for a few hours. However, if it persists and lasts longer…

How does Skype work?

Skype offers you a great opportunity to talk to anyone, in any corner of the world using versatile technology. All you have to do is create an account on Skype, get a computer and internet connection and get started. Moreover, the service of talking from one computer to another is absolutely free. You can enjoy…