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How electronic gates work?

Electric gates automatic gates that are placed in driveway and entrances of various places like airports, hotels, shopping malls, etc to ease moving and also to implement integrate security systems. Electric gates are generally of two types – swing gates and slide gates. A swing electric gate opens up inwards or outwards from the hinges….

How to get rid of algae?

Algae are microscopic organisms, which are slippery, slimy and green in color. Most of the people hold them responsible for creation of a nuisance on the walkways, swimming pool, roof, aquarium floors, patio, outdoors and many other places. Algae grow when they find combined favorable conditions like dampness, bad air circulation and heavy shade. Some…

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology in simplest terms refers to the engineering of varied functional systems at the molecule level. It is the study which is focused on controlling matter on a molecular and atomic scale. It deals with structures that are of size 1 to 100 nanometers in a minimum of 1 dimension and involves developing of materials…

What is democracy?

The term democracy has been derived from the word Greek demos which simply mean people. Democracy is a system of government, which gives due respect to individualism. It is the people of the country who hold the true power over the government and the legislator. Today many countries have adopted it for their advantage. Different…