Our body is made up of million cells, and each cell has its own function and properties. Oncogene is a kind of gene that can convert a normal cell into a tumor or malignant inside our body. Hence, these kinds of genes are very harmful to human health and usually found in human cancer.
Oncogenes normally target the DNA chains and therefore, it can have a huge and instant impact on the health of an individual. Oncogenes are not formed inside our body, it can enter our body and harm the body system. However, oncogenes are also inherited, which is why some families have a problem like breast cancer and other types of cancer which is passed on to them from generations.
In hereditary cases, oncogenes get combine with the DNA sequences and are passed on down the family line. These genes are very intelligent, and they can activate themselves when the situation inside the body is right for them to prosper. Hence, these genes can cause cancer to the patient at any stage in life. These oncogenes can also enter the skin cell division and cause cancer while the skin is trying to repair itself from sunburn.
In some cases proto-oncogene which is a normal gene inside our body can convert into an oncogene and increase the enzyme reaction inside our body due to which more chemical reactions can start happening in different parts of the body leading to different problems. Oncogenes can also lead to cell duplication and therefore, there will be too many protein cells inside our body that would further worsen the condition. Oncogenes also have the capability to control microRNAs and therefore, they quickly create situations inside our body that can lead to different kinds of cancers.